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Fieldwork Interview 2 in EDUC 7323

        In this paper, I interviewed a white woman. I compared her experiences of gender identity development to a woman from my hometown Chaoshan, to explore the different influences of home and school on the development of women's positive identity. Not only did I interact with two completely different cultures in this paper, but it also allowed me to explore how sexism manifests in women of different skin colors. I chose this paper because while completing it, I thought deeply about how to approach any culture unbiasedly. Since I am in my first year of study in the United States, it was difficult for me to understand terms such as white supremacy, invisible discrimination, and other terms introduced in class. Before coming to RWL, I had little knowledge of American history, and all I could think of were some famous historical events. However, this interview gave me insight into the fact that white people do have a privilege in American society and that invisible discrimination is almost ubiquitous for people of color. Completing this thesis was also significant because it allowed me to truly understand the history and meaning behind the terms I learned in class. As McIntosh (1988) mentions, "I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege" (p.1). As one of the lucky ones to study abroad, I also have many privileges. Although many people have told me that studying abroad was a result of my hard work, the financial support I received from my parents was inevitably a privilege that many people do not have. Therefore, this paper gave me a deeper understanding of different cultures and made me appreciate what I have.

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